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Employee Expectations in Modern Organizational Environment

Employee Expectations

Employees have their own expectations, and if those expectations aren’t met, some of your best employees will eventually look elsewhere. Even if you’re soliciting feedback, social dynamics can obscure the responses.

While individual employees may not always be vocal about their expectations, studies focused in on what employees really want in modern context have revealed few elementary factors. If you want to improve employee engagement and retention, you’ll need both a deeper understanding of employee expectation, and modern organizational best practices that fulfill them


What do employees expect?

Recent studies have identified top five contributors to job satisfaction

·         Respectful treatment of all employees at all levels
·         Trust between employees and senior management
·         Overall benefits
·         Overall compensation/Pay
·         Job security

What’s notable about this top five list is that respect and trust were more important to most employees than benefit, pay or job security. According to  the survey done by Tinypulse(a researching company for developing tools to keep employees satisfied)  72% of employees ranked respectful treatment as “very important” compared to 61%  who said the same of overall compensation


What else do employees expect?

Respect, trust, positive social interaction, opportunities to contribute, and purposeful work are all part of a solid foundation your employees expect you to provide. It’s a great place to build from, and to build truly magnificent culture, it’s necessary to introduce autonomy and recognition


Employees want to be recognized regularly for their contributions .Make recognition a regular and inseparable element of your company culture, and experience the results yourself.

Recognition helps employees to feel valued at work.Giving cognition are a simple, low-overhead interaction. It doesn’t cost any money, and takes very little time to say “thank you”


Employees want to be treated respectful   no matter their job role may be. How are you choosing to show your respect?


Employees want to be able to trust management, and they want management to trust them to do their jobs. Show them why you’re trustworthy partner

Social interaction

Employees want to have friends at work, work in a collaborative environment, and have a good relationship with their immediate supervisors. Make sure you’re providing an environment that encourages social interaction.


Employees are searching for more meaningful work in the modern business landscape. Help them understand how their work affects their peer, the company, and the world around them.


Whether or not your employees feel comfortable telling you what they want, you can still take action to improve employee engagement, satisfaction and retention. How will you foster respect, trust, social interaction, purpose, autonomy and recognition in your workplace? 





Dickson, G., (2015). Employee expectations in modern business. [Online] Bonusly. Available at: [30.05.2020].


  1. I think organization should have to understand generation gap between top management and ground level workers. That will help better understanding about expectation of people.

    1. Yes, Buddima I'm agree with your idea The generation gap is the difference of outlook, opinions, beliefs, skills, attitudes, and behaviors among the older generations and the younger generations. In short, the generation gap is the age gap between each generation. While the generation gap has been prevalent throughout all periods of history, it has only grown more prevalent in recent years .Expectation of people can be different according to their generation or grade

  2. Mahesh, how the company build up "Social interaction" among it's employees?

    1. social interaction is a dynamic, changing sequence of social actions between individuals or groups.
      company can build up "Social interaction" by
      • Organize staff get-togethers, Annual trip
      • Marketing meetings
      • Celebrate special events in creative ways
      • Make it easy to celebrate
      • Give everyone a voice
      • Encourage acts of kindness
      • Create a sense of belonging for all
      • Think of your organization as a community

  3. How does a company evolve to meet up with employee expectation?

    1. Employee expectations often go unaddressed in many organizations and yet employees are the most valuable asset in every one of them.
      Managers need to take more deliberate and regular steps to understand and cater to their employee expectations in order to achieve success in their roles.

      -Clearly define the role of each employee
      -Connect them with the company culture
      -Help them become better
      -Offer more flexibility at work
      -Appreciate and recognize them more
      -Be friendly but within professional boundaries

  4. I think there should proper understanding relationship between the top management & employee to gain trust or respect each others.

    1. Yes Eranga It’s very importent. We can focus,

      Engage employees on their terms - While trust is a belief in your employees, respect is that trust in action. A relationship based on trust and respect requires every team member to take responsibility for their actions

      Communicate goals, directions and expectations - Just as listening is vital, so is your communication.
      It may be time to take an honest look at your own actions. Are you prioritizing communication with leaders at the top of your company? Or, do you take the time to explain your business’s changing needs to your individual contributors on the ground?
      Employees want to hear from their bosses. They want to understand why decisions are being made. And they want to have enough information to make educated decisions in their role

      Create a safe environment - Do your employees feel free to share their honest opinion about your business strategies? Or, do you expect them to carry out their duties without questioning the approach?
      With a foundation of trust and respect, employees should feel safe challenging the status quo.

  5. Mahesh,i think now most employees of companies try to seek new jobs due to not meet their expectations.What do you think about this?

    1. Yes manujaya. I agree with you
      In present context employee expectations are very high and complex. in most of occasions there is a big gap between expectation and Reality. there should be a collaborative effort between employee and management to achieve even win win situation. Employees does not expect only financial benefits such as salary , bonus, incentives etc. They really care about recognition, respect and job security in a higher degree. Hence maintaining a good balance between financial and non financial benefits to the employee will satisfy their expectations and will make a very positive affect on company

  6. A truly engaged employee feels confident about their role in their company, and they know what is expected of them at every step of a project or task. If you want to recruit and retain the best candidates in your field, you need to ensure that they are satisfied at work.
    Millenials in particular crave structure and guidance – they need to know what is expected of them in order to perform to their highest potential.

  7. Hi Mahesh,How can the modern technology be utilized to enhance the modern employee expectations?

    1. • Use Performance Monitoring Platforms
      • Include Personal Development Plans in Your Interactive Platforms
      • Encourage Employees to Work Virtually
      • Use Gamification in Employee Training and Education
      • Measure Your Employee Engagement

  8. Dear Mahesh, How do you think employees should communicate their expectations to the employer?

    1. -Display a positive and respectful attitude.
      -Work with honesty and integrity.
      -Represent the organization in a responsible manner.
      -Perform their jobs to a reasonable, acceptable standard.
      -Maintain good attendance.
      -Conduct themselves in a professional manner, even when off duty.

  9. How do you explain expectations to your employees?

    1. In order for employees to know your expectations, you must know them yourself! Personally know what your expectations are and understand how to communicate to others what you want. No broad, vague instructions like “do your job better”, be as direct and specific as you can. Ways to be direct and specific:
      • Use simple language
      • Be straightforward, no room for confusion
      • Focus on details
      • Give examples
      • Make it measurable, completed: yes or no?
      • Set a time limit/deadline if applicable
      Once you are able to define your own expectations, begin creating goals to meet those expectations. Feel free to incorporate your employees’ opinions in creating these goals.


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