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Learning and Development

Learning and development, a subset of HR, which has been structured to improve organization and person performance by using growing capabilities and knowledge. Learning and development generally known as L & D is often known as training and development, forms a part of an enterprise’s talent management strategy and is designed to align institution and individual goals and overall performance with the agency’s vision, mission and goals.

Learning is the method through which a person acquires and develops new expertise, skillscompetencies, behaviours and attitudes. .Learning is a continuous process that not only enhances current competencies but also develop the skills, knowledge and attitudes that prepare people for enlarged or higher-degree of responsibility in the future

Development is involved with ensuring that someone’s capacity and potential are grown and realized thru the contribute of learning or thru self-directed  learning. It's far an unfolding procedure that allows humans to development from a present state of understanding and capability to a future state wherein better-degree talents, knowledge and abilities are required.

Learning and development may be formal or informal and can use computer, networked and internet-based technology (e-studying). Its effectiveness can be enhanced by adding up different strategies of learning and development (blended learning) and by means of encouraging self-directed learning

Informal learning is experiential way of gaining knowledge of. It takes place during employees are learning on-the-job as they move along. Most training does not   come in form of training programmes. Human beings can learn 70% of what they know about their job informally. 

A study by Williams & Davies (2012) confirmed that in establishments adopting a learner-concentrated perspective, formal education and training provided a small part of what practically learnt at work.

Effective learning depends on the employees’ confidence, motivation and capability. Some formal training to develop skills (especially induction training) was usually provided, but learning from experience and other people at work predominated.

Formal learning is planned and systematic. It makes use of structured training programmes consisting of instruction and practice that may be conducted on- or off-the-job. Experience may be planned to provide opportunities for continuous learning and development. Formal learning and developmental activities may be used such as action learning, coaching, mentoring and outdoor learning, as described earlier. The organization may have its own training centre. 

Development takes the form of learning activities that prepare people to exercise wider or increased responsibilities. In development programmes there is an emphasis on self-directed learning as described above, personal development planning (together with learning contracts) and planned learning from experience.

On a practical level, individuals responsible for learning and development must identify skills gaps among groups and teams and then finding suitable training to fill these gaps.

Procurement is an important part of the training and development process because training providers must be cost-effective and appropriate for the organisation’s needs. Good training provides individuals with tools and skills and shows them how to apply these new tools and skills within their own organisation and role.



Williams, G. & Davies, F., 2012. Using social exchange theory to predict the effects of hrm practice on employee outcomes. PhD Thesis.

Abraham, K., 2009. Managing Human Resource. 4th ed. New York: Prentice Hall.

Nzuve, M. & Singh, R., 1992. Introduction to Manpower Management. New Delhi: Algraphic Advertising.

Yazinski, S.K., 2009. Library: [Online] Available at:


  1. What is your opinion base on current industrial management system.

    1. It comprises those fields of business administration that are necessary for the success of companies within the manufacturing sector and the encompassing services (primarily operations management, marketing, and financial management).

  2. Dear Mahesh, L & D is valuable aspect in modern day organization culture, How both employer and employee benefit with this ?

    1. L &D very beneficial for the organizations to develop the employee development programs. If there is a systematic training and development program for the employees the companies will harvest its profit from the market and remain competitive in the job market. An organized and efficient development program with supportive apparatuses will significantly assist the organizations to retain the most valued human resource, especially those who have a lot of experience with the organization. If organizations are capable to support all employees in meeting their requirements then both, employees and organizations will get the long term benefits. It is also very important for the organizations to timely evaluate the success of employee training and development program.

  3. Mahesh, What are the popular learning methods use in modern culture?

      • BUZZ GROUPS. ...
      • BRAINSTORMING. ...
      • ROLE PLAYS.

  4. Mahesh, What is a L&D strategy and how vital it is for an organization?

    1. A learning and development (L&D) strategy sets out the workforce capabilities, skills and competencies the organization needs, and how they can be developed to ensure a sustainable, successful organization.

      An L&D strategy is a vital tool for organizations to align the corporate training with business objectives. It has the following benefits: It ensures that staff learning and development needs are effectively met. Company's skills requirements for senior management are being developed.

  5. What is the difference between L&D Training and development

    1. Training programs are organized by the organization to develop employees' knowledge and skills as per their job requirements. On the other side, development is not directly related to job requirement, rather it aims at the generic development of the individual employees for the long run

  6. Hi Mahesh, What are the new approaches for learning and development that are taken by your company

    1. Established Generations to Emerging Generations-
      In the past, generations approached learning conventionally. Learning was top-down, on-the-job, and delivered in conventional forms such as inside a classroom.
      In the future, generations will approach learning unconventionally. Millennials and Generation Z have a much different relationship, expectation, and approach to learning. Learning now must be micro, mobile-first, innovative, beautifully designed, relevant, and on-demand to meet the needs of the next generation.

      Generalized to Individualized-
      In the past, workers were likely to have multiple jobs and careers throughout their lifetime--even farther back and workers held only 1-2 jobs over an entire lifetime.
      In the future, workers will have multiple jobs at one time. It won't be uncommon for modern workers to hold down a full-time job while participating in the gig economy. In this new world of work, workers are likely to engage with highly specific and individualized training that enables them to create an ever-growing constellation of nano-degrees that supplements their skills and interests.

      Reputable Employer to Relevant Skills-
      Learn-to-Work to Work-to-Learn -
      Centralized to Decentralized -
      Information Age to Perspective Age -
      Manual to Automated -


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